All families, especially blended families, have some level of conflict. Usually the first step is to set family rules and boundaries. Many times ADHD is also a contributing factor. We have four levels of methods to bring these conflicts under control. We believe that children need to be parented with external control until age 12, then coached to learn self-control until age 18 and then the parent becomes a consultant. Families rules should be set up to be a "microcosm" of real life so that each lesson learned will apply directly when they become 18 years old. Your counselor will help you take the appropriate actions for each situation.
Family counseling usually deals with family conflicts or parenting issues. Most likely we will have to generate a list of areas of conflict, teach how to set boundaries or family rules. We suggest making the rules a much as possible like real life so what they learn in the family will apply directly in the child's life when they turn 18. We can provide 4 effective methods or levels for bringing out of control families back under parental control.
Your mental health insurance will usually pay for your family counseling as an "adjustment disorder." We accept most insurance including Medicare and Medicaid. Our family counseling service in Wichita Kansas has a fee of $165 for the first initial interview session due to the additional analysis involved. Additional sessions are $125 for a 45 minute session and $145 for a 60 minute with a state licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Professional Counselor, or Social Worker. If money is a major issue you may apply for a sliding scale, referral to a Pastoral counselor or a free supervised student counselor. However, you should be realized that the emotional or legal cost of a divorce, loss of a child custody case, or unresolved family conflict will far exceed any amount of money expended on therapy.
Because of the many variables involved, the outcome of Christian family counseling is hard to predict, but in cases where the family is willing to do what is suggested and stay in treatment long enough for things to be resolved, most families recover from their difficulties and remain together. Although we never recommend divorce, if the couple chooses to divorce or separate, the therapist will do everything possible to help the clients through this difficult time.
The longer you wait before getting help for family problems, the more intrenched they tend to become. Call our office manager or receptionist at 316-677-7646 for an appointment with one of our experienced caring family counselors.